Camarillo Composite Squadron 61
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Senior Member Recruitment

Join the Civil Air Patrol and Make a Real Difference 

The Civil Air Patrol is the official U.S. Air Force Auxiliary and is widely known for its search and rescue flying and ground missions, emergency response and disaster relief, and aerial reconnaissance roles. CAP Senior Members, do so much more than just fly. Less than a fifth of all CAP members are pilots or aircrew. CAP Senior Members come from all walks of life. Some are aviation, emergency response and medical professionals. Others are lawyers, accountants, educators, information technologists, executives and many other professions. Some are retired or active military personnel and can bring their grade with them. Other members have the chance to advance through the ranks through active training and personal development programs provided by CAP. Just about any career or background can be useful to and found in the ranks of the CAP. CAP supports missions that require adults from all walks of life.

In emergency services and operations CAP not only need aircrew members, but also ground team members to aid in the rescue of survivors or to assess damage after a disaster. CAP needs communications personnel to relay critical messages when there is limited or no telephone support.  Administrative and IT staff, financial managers, logistics and supply personnel, and public relations officers are needed to support missions, get personnel critical supplies and equipment in the field that they need to conduct missions, and communicate with the public.

CAP also needs adults to support the cadet program. CAP has over 23,000 cadets (ages 12-18) across the country that need mentors willing to help guide and support them. 

CAP needs adults for its aerospace education program. In addition to educating our own members, CAP’s adult leaders provide training and resources to teachers who reach out to students of all ages across the country.  

In return for their service  CAP Senior Members can receive training in a wide variety of fields - from air operations to ground operations to communications to staff and public affairs duties. Senior Members also experience comradery and teamwork with their squadron, group and wing.  Growth, excitement and rich personal reward comes from the training and operational experiences in CAP - along with the deep satisfaction of serving your community and the nation. 

Camarillo Squadron 61 is a very active unit of the Central Coast Group 4 - California Wing of the Civil Air Patrol.  Headquartered at Camarillo Airport the squadron has a compliment of over 40 Senior Members and is commanded by Maj Julius Gonzales.  If you are interested in the many possibilities offered to you by the Civil Air Patrol please consider joining us for one of our Senior Member Meetings held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 1900 hrs 2100 hrs (7:00 PM to 9:00 PM) at the Camarillo Squadron - 55 Durley Ave, Camarillo, CA 93010


Senior Member Application Process, Forms and Costs


More Information? Please Contact  - 

1st Lt Glen MacDonald, Sqd 61 Senior Recruiting 


Senior Member FAQ

Briefing Documents


   General Information           New Member Handbook



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